Confessions of a Fitness Manager

Episode 2 Hiring New Talent Pt. 1 Reviewing Resumes

Staci Alden and Jessica Rodgers Season 1 Episode 2

Hiring fitness talent has so many steps and parts that we had to break this topic up into FOUR episodes. This first episode tackles reviewing resumes. 

Jessica shares an intense story about a trainer who made a scene at the front desk as he tried to secure a job. 

Staci reads a bit of the back-and-forth she had with an applicant as she asked relevant questions that the applicant couldn't answer.

Then, we vent a bit about what managers have to make sense of while reviewing resumes. Some examples include...
- Not putting any relevant information
- Odd order of events
- Aren't specific about certifications, where it's from, when it happened and if it's still up to date
- Doing things that are out of their scope of practice (and acting like it is an asset)
- Look pretty but have no information
- Our Issues with Cover Letters

As hiring managers, how to get past the crap? We share our direct strategies and recommendations. 

After listening, we'd love to hear from you:
What are some crazy stories you have while reading resumes?
What are some tips for other managers when reviewing resumes and inviting applicants?